Dr. Christiana Marron Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation specializes in one of the most select physical therapy settings in downtown Fort Lauderdale just minutes away from Las Olas Blvd, providing services to many people within Broward, Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Martin County, Florida. She has also had a multitude of different athletes and work conditioning patients who have traveled out of state to seek her professional advice as well as treatments. Some even booking back to back since they are out of state.
When comparing sports medicine and rehabilitation services such as CORA Physical Therapy and Select Physical Therapy to Dr. Marron’s professional therapies, one can attest the specialized care that she gives you from appointment request, assessment and treatment to Dr. Marron’s individualized rehabilitation protocol. Each protocol is specifically tailored to each individuals needs that is based upon her findings during your evaluation on the things that are getting you back to the things you love doing the most. She then, emails your program to you within 24 hours for you to complete during the week before scheduling your next visit. Have a question? You can email her any questions you may have about the corrective exercises, problems performing them or scheduling your next session.
Dr. Christiana Marron has been practicing Orthopedic Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine since 2016. As a previous long distance runner, power lifter and Nationally Qualified Women’s Figure Competitor, Christiana understands the patients’ desires to compete, set goals and achieve them. She has worked with patients of all ages and abilities who have experienced orthopedic and neurological injuries — including NFL Miami Dolphins athletes, professional UFC, Bellator and PFL MMA fighters, Professional Boxers, Nationally Ranked Raw USAPL Powerlifters, USPA Powerlifters, IFBB/NPC Bodybuilders, Professional Football and Rugby Athletes. Some other professional therapies include: vertigo physical therapy,TMJ disorders, pediatric therapy, balance disturbance therapy, dry needling, cupping, Graston Technique as well as taping in physical therapy (Rock Tape).